Private Instruction for Youth

Private Improv Classes
Ages 10-18 • 3 minimum, 12 maximum
Do you have a group of kids who would like to learn improv? Or maybe you would like to offer improv classes as an activity at your organization? We can set you up with a professional instructor to run a series of classes for you.
In-person at an off-site location, in-person at our outdoor location, or online
If classes are outside Maplewood or South Orange, a $1 per minute travel charge will apply.
4 1-hr classes $900
8 1-hr classes $1,480

Please email nina@rocketimprovcomedy.com to schedule your classes.
Please Note
Rocket Improv is not, nor are we holding ourselves to be your psychologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, or social worker (“Mental Health Provider”). Participants agree that participation in Rocket Improv programs are for pleasure and/or recreation, and Rocket Improv makes no representation, warranty, or guarantee regarding results of such participation.