Rocket Improv Policies
This is important stuff people. Learn it, know it, live it. Please read on…
Please arrive early and be ready to go by the time your program is supposed to start.
Phones and smart watches must be left at home or where indicated by the instructor (NOT in a pocket) and turned off or on silent.
If you do arrive late, enter quietly, hang out off to the side, and wait for your instructor to invite you in to join the others.
Please bring a water bottle with your name on it.
No food, gum, or candy during lessons. If it is urgent that you have a snack, you are welcome to hang out away from the class and eat until you are ready to rejoin. You are allowed to do this once per class. (No going back for seconds unless accommodations have been requested in advance.)
Class is very active! Wear comfortable clothes in which you can move freely and kick up your heels without feeling inhibited. Close-toed shoes like sneakers are preferred to prevent having toes stepped on by a classmate during one of our more active activities. Avoid wearing flip-flops or crocs or any other kind of shoe that can easily come off. Loose fitting shoes typically end up being launched off someone’s foot. We launch rockets. Not crocs.
As much as you are able, please inform Rocket Improv of any absences by texting the instructor on the same day as class. Before the start of classes / camp, you will be given a number you can text for same-day communications about your student being absent, arriving late, or needing to leave early.
An instructor / counselor will be at the space 10 minutes before the start of class. Please do not drop off your student more than 10 minutes before the start of class / camp.
Students are not penalized in any way for missing classes, being late, or needing to leave early.
If our area experiences an extreme weather event like Hurricane Sandy that results in prolonged power outages, please refer to Rocket Improv’s Facebook page for updates and communications.
If you have a problem with anything Rocket Improv related, please approach Rocket Improv with your concerns first and respectfully refrain from discussing your problems with other parents/guardians in the Rocket Improv program. Please do not text your concerns but instead please email or call.
If you need a reminder of dates, times, or location please check the website or Sawyer before reaching out with questions about when and where classes take place. You’ll get the information a lot faster that way!
In review…
If your student will be absent or is running late, please text your student’s instructor the same day as class.
If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, please call or email.
Parents/guardians of Firecrackers and Rocket Fuel: For pick-up after class, the instructor will need to be able to see you before releasing your child/ward.
Parents/guardians of Jet Packs, Rocketeers, Moonwalkers, and Blast Off for Teens: Students are not monitored at the end of class and are allowed to leave of their own accord. If you would like for your student to remain in the building until they are picked up, please let Rocket Improv know in advance. Once your student has left the building, Rocket Improv is no longer responsible for them.
Thank you!
We highly recommend that our students be vaccinated but it is not mandatory.
All of our instructors are vaccinated and boosted.
INDOORS: Mask optional.
A share is when the parents are invited to watch a brief 45 minute demonstration of what the improv students have been learning in class.
A showcase is a 1 hour long improv show in a performance space.
Showcases and shares are considered a “class,” and the cost is included in the overall program fee. Showcases are free to attend and are open to the public. No reservations or tickets are required. No student is required to perform in a showcase.
There will be class shares and showcases for the fall and spring sessions and during each week of camp. The students will not have a share or a showcase for the winter session.
Rocket Improv does not prorate for missed classes.
There are no guaranteed opportunities to make-up a missed class.
If Rocket Improv needs to cancel a class due to unplanned circumstances such as weather-related events or instructor illness, Rocket Improv will schedule a new class that may or may not be at a time that is convenient for all participants.
In the event of a class rescheduling, Rocket Improv will make an effort to accommodate as many students as possible but cannot guarantee that a make-up class with be rescheduled at a time when everyone is able to attend.
If a registration is canceled, the registrant will receive a refund minus a $50 cancellation fee. We do not offer credits for future sessions.
If after one class a student decides to withdraw, Rocket Improv will issue a refund for the class minus a $50 cancellation fee. There will be no refunds issued after a student has attended two classes.
There is a discount for siblings and additional classes. Each sibling will receive a 10% discount off their session tuition. If a student elects to take more than one class during the same session, they will receive a 10% discount off of all of their classes.
The Rocketeers and Blast Off for Teens programs are by invitation only.
After an improv student has been in the Jet Packs program for anywhere from 1 to 3 years, the student may be eligible for the Rocketeers class.
Invitation into the Rocketeers is not guaranteed. Many factors are taken into consideration before extending an invitation including but limited to: the readiness of the student, age, enrollment numbers, if there is space in a current Rocketeers class, and trying to keep certain students together. Rocket Improv tries to maintain the sense of ensemble that students develop while training together as much as possible, and sometimes the result is that students will need to wait until the optimum time to move on together.
There is no guarantee that a student will be able to continue in a class with their friends, although Rocket Improv makes an effort to keep friends together as much as possible.
Rocketeers / Advanced Moonwalkers who have developed a sense of ensemble through their time together and wish to continue their training may become their own improv troupe through the Blast Off for Teens program. As a Blast Off for Teens performance ensemble, they create their own identity and have a say in the direction of their own improv training. They are provided with rehearsal space, a director, and an end of session professional level hour-long improv show.
The transition for Rocketeers typically happens when the majority of the class is entering high school. Some members may already be in high school and some may still be in middle school.
There is no guarantee that a Rocketeers or Advanced Moonwalkers class will become a Blast Off for Teens performance ensemble. Many factors are taken into consideration: the troupe must be determined to be strong enough to be considered a performance ensemble, there are a sufficient number of troupe members for an ensemble, and all troupe members can attend rehearsals on a consistent basis.